Friday, 27 April 2012

As expected for some months, I have today been informed that an application for 15 dwellings has now been made for the record office car park ("Weymed" site), along with another six for the lower car park at Shire Hall. Planning references are: SE/12/0451 and 0450 respectively. The documentation can be viewed via the council’s website, but for ease of reference you will find the former by clicking here.

I have not studied this yet, but the applicant claims to have responded to the consultation exercise as shown in the documents you can download. In brief he is saying:


As set out in the previous section, the main concerns related to the scale and massing of the Weymed development and protection of the landscape at the Shire Hall site. A number of changes have been made to the schemes as a result of this consultation.

The overall heights of plots 1 to 8 have been significantly reduced in response to comments received at the consultation exercise. There have also been a number of alterations to the external facades of these plots.

In relation to overlooking, residents backing on to the site were concerned with issues of overlooking and in response EA Property Development Ltd have agreed to include opaque windows in the appropriate locations to respond to residents’ concerns.

Weymed site - viewed from the record office

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