Saturday 3 January 2009

On my way to my surgery...

I was, to say the least, taken aback by what I saw on my way to the library this morning. First this collapsed (I wonder how?) wall at the top of Cullum Road, and then the burnt out blue bin in Westgate Street. I have contacted the Borough Council to ask what can be done to deal with both. Have I missed anything else over the holiday season?

Monday morning update: both should be dealt with today, thanks to the efficiency of SEBC Building Control and Waste Management seections.

Tuesday update: stuck inside so haven't checked the above yet - has anyone else?

I was glad to arrive in these relatively peaceful surroundings, where I sat as always from 10 - 12 on the first Saturday of every month. Subjects raised included allotments, unauthorised parking, the Special Licensing Policy (a thank-you!) and the Borough Council's finances in these difficult times.

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