Monday 7 January 2008

And a Happy New Year to you too John...

I don't often blog with my portfolio hat on, nor publish correspondence, but I must try to respond to John's friendly post card. This is the second missive from him addressed in this (what shall I say?)eccentric manner, though I think last time it was "Culture & Vandalism". "Resources & Vandalism" doesn't really have the same ring about it, does it?

As before, John (I don't think he left a name the first time) has forgotten to leave his address and surname, so I can only guess who he might be. This is what he has to say:

Now why would I be "rubbing my hands"? I may have been the cabinet member who had to see through the sale of the Manor House (incidentally now being refurbished and apparently lived in again, as it was for 219 years), but I was one of four successive portfolio holders involved in this whole process.

As for the other buildings: I am not aware that the borough owns Thingoe House; the council offices are being replaced by West Suffolk House; the Corn Exchange will no doubt be leased (not sold) when the venue is on stream; Moyse's Hall is our town centre, user-friendly museum (part rented by us, part owned) and we have just invested over half a million pounds in the Athenaeum, which is an ever more popular place for hire. What is there to rub hands about?

So John, if you are out there, please let me know who you are and where you live.

I'll send you a postcard.

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