Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Whatever happened to "arc"?

These delightful young people from King Edward VI School gave a presentation to the board of Town Centre management yesterday, explaining what they thought about Bury St Edmunds and its facilities. They were (refreshingly!) very positive, and to my surprise frequently used the dreaded word "arc" as if it were part of their common parlance - it was all "when arc is finished" and arc this and arc that.

I was so impressed that I have invited them along for a repeat performance at the next full council meeting.


Anonymous said...

Paul - is 'positive' code for agreeing with you? There is a character in Walt Disney's film 'Pinocchio' who lures the impressionable young hero away from safety. Is life imitating art, here?

Charlotte Howard said...

No David, positive means positive -as opposed to negative. These young people are refreshingly positive about the cattle market development - nothing to do with me.

Charlotte Howard said...

No David, positive means positive -as opposed to negative. These young people are refreshingly positive about the cattle market development - nothing to do with me.