Saturday, 11 August 2007

The jury's still out

To those of you expecting a full report on my "night out", I apologise. For various reasons the research is being continued tonight and I hope to report tomorrow or Monday morning. In the meantime here are some pictures from our walk to Nowton church this morning, a charming amble to be highly recommended.

Starting from Nowton Park, walk up the avenue of trees, cross the drive and go through the gate. Follow the path all the way through the trees and round by the pond and the restored Nowton Court building, until you come out into the open. Leave the park via the first gate on the right and take the road left until it soon has a pavement. At the T junction turn right (this is a bit dangerous as there is no pavement) and you will soon see the church on a hill.

As we went up to it today we saw two hares. I have struggled to find one in this picture:

Just past the church follow the footpath from the stile on your right (very rickety!) and walk parallel to the private road on your left, aiming for the barn ahead (avoid the sheep's droppings!)

Then go over two stiles as you cross another track, with a large barn on your left, over another stile and diagonally across a small field towards the left of a thatched cottage with a conservatory, over the last stile into the road at High Green. Take the right hand road (past the same cottage), pass almshouses on you left. Take the right turn (Cooper Lane - not marked) towards a group of houses out to the junction of the Nowton Road. Find the entrance to the park which you recently used and trace your steps back to the car park.

We found some rabbits by the pond:

If all this sounds too far, it is simply my long-winded description. It's about one hour and fifteen minutes at a reasonable pace.

Why not try it and comment here?

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