Monday, 9 July 2007


This is SID (what is this an acronym for? - surely not a difficult question) , the mobile speed test and display. Here it is smiling because the last (or next?) vehicle is going at less than 30. I am promised that SID will spend some time in Southgate Street - the subject of some discussion on my website. Have you seen that Florrie's mum? I am surprised you haven't joined the debate there.


Anonymous said...

Speed Indicator Deterrent
Speed Is Dangerous
Speed If (you) Dare

Anonymous said...

I am too worried about upsetting you and David, and if Hoffy jumps on me too then I'm definately leaving the debate.
But then, perhaps as you may have already worked out, I may already have joined the debate under a pseudonym.
A little research on Ruby's website (mea culpa) will give you the answer to Florrie's description.
Thanks for getting SID to Southgate Street-lets hope its successful

Anonymous said...

Speed Ignites Death

Charlotte Howard said...

And there was I, FM, thinking I had five readers instead of four! Can't wait to browse Ruby's blog.

Charlotte Howard said...

FM, my suspicions so far are confirmed.

Does the letter Y have significance?

Anonymous said...

FM - I don't get 'upset' normally and have never seen PSF anything other than cool, calm, and collected - so let rip!

In her post about the election count on 04 May, Ruby expressed surprise as to how good natured it all was with friendly chat between candidates with different views.

At borough level, it has always been like that. After every full council meeting there is a 'Mayor's Supper' at which sandwiches are provided and the orange juice flows late into the night.

It would be 'bad form' for anyone to continue a debate just held in the Council Chamber. We talk about other things and generally get on well together.

Of course, one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel, but the people would be the losers if that ever happened.

Anonymous said...

Paul, right first time.
On a serious note, I do have respect for your calling. If you can keep your patience while those around you debate how high they want their leylandi to be then you are a better person than me.
And small touches like a hand-written thank-you on a calling card for diplaying a poster for you at election time go a long way.
David, I am glad you all get on together. Its a difficult job as you cannot please all the people all the time, and getting along with people you spend so much time with makes all the difference. I must admit some of the comments from some people on various blogs made me wonder-it must all be in friendly banter-even Hoffy!!!

Anonymous said...

FM - I was speaking solely about the 45 Members of St Edmundsbury Borough Council.

Paul Hopfensperger is a Suffolk County Councillor.

Charlotte Howard said...

FM - your anonymity is safe with me!

Anonymous said...

David-whoops, silly me!
Hopefully he is too busy swimming to notice I changed his job title.

Anonymous said...

FM - what's this about swimming?

Nobody told me.

Charlotte Howard said...

Now, now David.

FM - your kind words further above were much appreciated.