Here we are at our surgery this morning. I had invited Ruby to attend in blogging mode, but although the thought of photographing Richard and me in the library stairwell must have excited her she was camera-less today. So Mrs F took this one.
We were very busy, with the first client before we started at 10am and queuing right through until 11.15. At one point when four people joined us I sat on the floor! When we had three, Richard (half my age) gallantly gave me his chair and sat on the table.
Our former regular client who rings bells has not shown up since the election. I wonder why?
Next opportunity for Abbeygate electors to visit us is 4th August - that includes Ruby and Florrie's mum...
Paul thankyou so much for your invitation to your next surgery, but as I have to work Saturday mornings I have to wait until election visits to accost you on my favourite topics-which I did. And you were very helpful. Know who I am yet?
Delighted if I was helpful!
As your comment came within minutes of a Southgate Street resident's comment on my website I have my suspicions that you are one in the same. A vague description of Florrie would help a lot.
I hate to think that you only expect to see me on your doorstep at election time. I visited last Autumn, but maybe you were out (I'd have left a calling card) and I am always available via 768777 or
FM - councillors are accessible all the year round; Paul Farmer more than most.
A friend of mine who lives on the Horringer Court estate complained to me that none of the four candidates at the recent elections knocked on his door.
Apart from establishing that he has a full-time job so isn't at home all the time, I suggested that he should have used his initiative and contacted the candidates himself. After all, they would have 3,500 electors to find whereas he had only four people to locate.
Democracy is an active not a passive process. Everybody is welcome to join in.
Paul and David, I wasn't suggesting that I only see Paul at election time, and can only apologise if you thought I was having a dig. To be quite honest I couldn't believe the amount of work I saw him and Mrs F doing at that time, and thought it was above and beyond the call of duty-at least for Mrs F although I am sure that she was happy to help her husband. I sometimes felt like following them round with refreshments as I am sure they never had time to eat.
I see Paul several times a week in the street and am fully aware that if I need to talk to him on anything OF IMPORTANCE I only have to wave. Keep up the good work.
Thank you FM. Sorry if I was over-sensitive. Mrs F helped a bit with deliveries, but Richard Rout accompanied me on all door knocking. He is a great partner but I wish I could persuade Mrs F to stand for election. We could join the ranks of the existing husband and wife teams.
Thank you too David for your welcome compliment.
Paul - the evidence of your commitment was in the ballot box on 03 May. Not that it has stopped those who probably preferred other candidates from sticking it to you in the BFP Letters page.
As for husband and wife teams....
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