Friday, 6 July 2007

Drama in Alicia Court

Alicia Court is a quiet cul de sac, or rather a pair of them (culs de sac?) off Southgate Street in God's own ward, Abbeygate. I am not aware it has ever been the subject of high drama. It is true that the bin lorry failed to get down one of the culs once, and that Mrs Kyprianou the hair salon manager got herself a lot of publicity with a petition against proposed yellow lines - but this is minor compared with what Mrs F and I saw today.

There we were on our bikes at the Southgate Green end of Southgate Street, when we heard the familiar police siren. We naturally pulled up to let the car pass, but never saw a police car whiz past us nor heard any more sirens.

This seemed a bit odd. However, as we got to Alicia Court, on idly looking at its entrance from the road we saw the car, two policemen and a worried looking car owner. What's really exciting is that Mrs F thought she saw them putting handcuffs on him.

I hadn't got my camera with me, stupidly, but I wonder what the police would have thought of my snapping them in action?


Anonymous said...

The hair salon manager also won the backing of the borough council and impressed those of us who heard her speak in support of her livelihood.

Charlotte Howard said...

I could not be there due to election pressures, but I understand that my then fellow councillor gave me the level of support I might have expected.

I'm not sure that deferral is "winning backing". Typical David-speak?

Anonymous said...

And here's me thinking that your absence was due to the knowledge that a round of pre-meeting lobbying had produced only two pledges of support from other Tory members.

Still, I bet the residents of Alicia Court were grateful for your efforts and voted accordingly on 03 May.

Charlotte Howard said...

I didnt lobby anyone.

Anonymous said...

Must be telepathy, then.

Anonymous said...

So thats the excuse for putting the sirens on in st marys square on this occasion then. And there was me thinking its an outing and the police equivalent to joy riding. Or is it poor understanding of community relationships?

Bring on SID and we ( and they ) can see how fast they are going also, any bets on 70mph plus ?

I am not going to apologise.The sirens go on on the down hill section at least 5 times a day on average, even the ambulance drivers think its fun on a one way street with albert hall type acoustics.

There is no real need for it and the more experienced police officers sem to accept this and try to restrict their exuberance.

Charlotte Howard said...

I'm not here to defend the police, but I suppose their argument would be that (a) they have to go fast for obvious reasons (b) they need to warn you of their presence, especially in a narrow street.

Having lit blue touch paper I will now stand clear!