Tuesday 17 April 2007

Abbeygate election

Other candidates' election literature has started to appear, and it varies from the amusing to the (to say the least) misleading. The candidate described as "Independent" has actually been proposed by one Mark Ereira. Mark is the former Labour councillor (standing again for Labour) who was deputy leader of Ray Nowak's Labour led "rainbow coalition" in 2002/3. That administration's legacy included a 9.9% council tax rise. This "independent" candidate's nomination paper was also signed by David Dawson, an unsuccessful Labour candidate in Abbeygate in 1999. How "independent" is that? His leaflet includes the statement: "Do we really need new offices out of town? I see this as an unnecessary expense for little reward." Does he not know that: these offices (known as the Public Service Village - or PSV) are replacing old ones which are increasingly expensive to maintain; they will be shared (as will the cost be) with Suffolk County council; in the long term we shall be saving money; this building is fully "green" and fulfils BREAM standards; it will mean the public can access all Borough and County services at one place? It makes one wonder how well researched or accurate his other statements are. I've yet to see the Liberal Democrat candidate's leaflet, but if its anything like the one they have produced for Southgate ward it will be somewhat economical with the truth. The facts and figures in their own section on the PSV look decidedly confused, whilst they seem to have missed ten million pounds off a number in the Cattle Market bit. Their criticism of the Conservatives having "kept the (town) council" is bizarre, given that there is no obvious or simple mechanism for disbanding it - in any case not something I've ever heard their erstwhile Town and Borough Councillor calling for. Their apparent understanding of Pathfinder Status as "rule from Ipswich" is equally strange and misinformed, whilst their claim to have "acted" on Gypsy Lane is one of the most blatantly misleading statements in the whole leaflet. I chaired the Cabinet meeting about this issue and not a single LibDem councillor even attended, never mind spoke. Indeed, they have not exactly been a force to be reckoned with since the last elections. I shall look forward to the Abbeygate LibDem leaflet in due course. Will it tell me that the candidate lives in a village approximately five miles from the centre of the ward she wants to represent?


Charlotte Howard said...

This morning I visited the Western Way offices and saw the impressive way in which staff there are preparing for the new kind of working that will be part of the PSV principle.

Clearly what is happening there goes way beyond the concept of "new offices".

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Gyspy Lane is getting so much attention. Is this positive discrimination gone mad?? What about all the other lanes in your ward? I'm all for accepting minorities but I don't think we should give quite so many privileges to those who are not even paying taxes, i.e. the people who reside on Gypsy Lane. Anyway, surely the amount of energy you spend on each street should reflect the number of people who live on them. There can't be that many caravans on one lane??

Anonymous said...

Western Way isn't 'out of town' - it is as much a part of Bury St Edmunds as Angel Hill.

Anonymous said...

Lib Dem....... Shmib Dem. Not worth the paper it's printed on. Rock on Paul

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, lets' start Mrs Biddulph! How many travellers live on it anyway?

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope PSF doesn't say to them "Isn't it time you moved on?" as he did to Ms Brinkley...

Anonymous said...

If you chaired the Gypsy lane meeting, maybe you could tell us what exactly happened? And what is happening?

Specifically, why have they spent all this time and money on a road with no recorded accidents in the last three years?

Charlotte Howard said...

