Friday, 7 September 2012

Maynewater flats go-ahead

Mock-up of flats published on SEBC website copyright High Design Consultants Ltd

As I feared on behalf of all those organisations that objected (Bury Society, Town Council, Southgate Area Association & Saxon Gate Community Association), this application went through yesterday, by 11 votes for to 4 against. I am grateful that the committee accepted my amendments to the decision notice, namely:
Page 18, line 7, after Affordable Housing Provision (4 units), insert:
“with the aim to hand over to the Registered Social Landlord no later than the occupation of the private units.”
Condition 16, after “plan” insert:
“, including adequate tree replacement at the southern boundary, “


Anonymous said...

Do you really think that a 3-storey building is going to be half the height of the copper beech? I honestly think there is something wrong with the proportions of this mock-up...
Although I understand and accept the need for more flats, I am very disappointed to see that a planner can ignore a whole street in his/her application and it's fine. The tree screen won't exist for a decade or more and that's fine (for people who don't have their bedroom facing the new flats anyway). Where is the mock-up view from HC?
New flats, yes, but a sensible scale and acknowledging the presence of neighbours would have made a huge difference.
Lots of efforts from many people who are directly or indirectly concerned, but at the end of the day little concern for affected neighbours.

Charlotte Howard said...

Good point about the scale. I hadn't noticed - although as I took this as a photo from the printed meeting papers I wonder if somehow I inadvertently distorted the scale?

A mock up from HC would certainly have been "interesting"!

All I can say is we all tried, but planning law doesn't seem to embrace common sense!