Friday, 3 August 2012

Manor house car park application mark 2

The application for fifteen houses on the old Manor House (or Record Office) car park has been amended, following the developer's attempts to respond to criticisms made by local residents affected by the scheme. Roofs have been changed and plots altered to reduce the impact of the houses, although not all the objectors will be satisfied with the outcome.

Whilst some local people look forward to this area being finished off, others feel that there are still too many plots for the size of the site, and that the resulting over-development will further exacerbate parking and traffic concerns. The Town Council (whom I have now twice addressed on the issue, on behalf of residents) and Southgate Area Association are among those who still object.

The matter was expected to reach its conclusion at the August meeting of the borough's Development Control meeting this week, but a further issue has arisen, namely the re-siting of the electricity sub-station which is currently set into the existing curved wall on the eastern side of the site. In the original plans this is shown close to a house in St Mary's Square, but understandable concerns about its siting so near an existing property have led to a re-think.

At the time of writing there is a proposal to site it away from any houses, on or by what is shown as car park space 28 on the plan, which can be viewed by clicking here. (You may have to wait a while for it to download.)

Watch this space for further information. If the sub-station is moved, there will have to be a further full consultation, which will give all the opportunity to respond for a third time, including the Town Council. The likely date for determination by the borough is October 4th.
That's democracy!

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