Sunday 9 December 2007

Out Westgate: Havebury planning application

Out Westgate showing the possible position of an illuminated 'SLOW DOWN' sign: click to enlarge and see

The application by Havebury housing for 30 homes in place of 82-104 Out Westgate has now been registered, reference SE/07/1881. You may view the plans at the Council’s Western Way offices or via its website. You have until 26th December to submit any comments, which should be sent to:

SEBC Head of Planning & Engineering,
St Edmundsbury House
Western Way
Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk IP33 3YS

Following the exhibition at Westgate Primary School, most people seemed to accept the need for affordable housing and the plans themselves, but were concerned about the pressure on parking in Out Westgate and the access arrangements. As a result I am interested in pursuing two ideas which could help.

One is a 30+ mph automated and illuminated “slow down” sign towards the Eyre Close end of Out Westgate, facing traffic from the Cullum Road, which I would ask to be a condition of planning permission. The other is a residents’ parking permit scheme where any cars are currently able to park. Only residents would be able to park there - if they chose to pay an annual fee, currently around £70.

I realise that not everyone may want these two ideas suggested, so I'm writing to residents to ask for their views. Alternatively they can vote on line here.


Anonymous said...

My one issue is that £70 can seem a large item of expenditure if charged annually. If there are two cars belonging to a household that could be double at £140 to the same bank account.

I would prefer spreading the cost over 10 monthly instalments as with the Council Tax. A payment of £9 a month would cover any additional administration costs arising from this method of collection.

Anonymous said...

What a slow down sign for westgate street, BUT NOT for southgate street. joined up thinking please.

Charlotte Howard said...

Sorry Southgate Street. This always happens when you try to help anyone. Its the WAM syndrome (think about it).

What makes Out Westgate different is:

1. It could be a condition of the planning application recommended by Highways.

2. It is not in a conservation area.

3. It would be a direct result of the new need created by the new access.

Whether or not residents will want it is another matter. That's all I am trying to find out at present. And doing this will not stop my efforts (however feeble you may think them) to get SOMETHING (however feeble again) done in Southgate Street.

This is not an either/or situation.