Sunday, 8 July 2007

Sunday exercise

This morning we decided to cycle and walk to our favourite local spot: High Green. Mrs F led the way as her bike only works in first gear, but she is still hard to keep up with. We set off down the Nowton Road (pronounced Noten!) and past the park.

Soon after we turn right into Fox & Pin Lane, which is periodically used as a dump by morons who don't seem to know about the excellent SCC facility not far away.

After keeping to the left we are in "the countryside" with a wood on our left and open fields on our right - until we encounter Anglian Water's new boreholes. They got permission only last Thursday to build a number of cabins and structures there, and it looks like they've wasted no time. What a pity it has to be in this spot.

Next we are in the open fields, where Fox & Pin Lane meets Cooper Lane...

...where we park our bikes, locked together romantically, then walk past some almshouses and up to High Green, one of the highest points in Suffolk, where you can see...

the cathedral tower

Christ Church, Moreton to enlarge and see red roof in the middle (Halooooo 21st C Mummy!)

The sugar beet factory:

...and the West Road water tower.

And then home again for breakfast and the rest of a lovely day!


Anonymous said...

Paul - I don't think Anglian Water need permission to drill boreholes.

Charlotte Howard said...

I agree David. So having sunk the bores at great cost and for a worthy cause (our thirsts) it is hard for Dev Control Cttee to turn down the ugly buildings that will now house the equipment. Something of pistol to the head? I only hope the screening I requested will make it a little less of a blot on the landscape.

Anonymous said...

Paul - it didn't feel like that at the meeting. The ward member was there, as a substitute, and he seemed quite relaxed about the Application.

The general view is, I think, that if local opinion isn't too bothered about an issue, Development Control will always rely on the Case Officer's recommendation.

Her indoors said...

Hallooooo to Mr & Mrs F from the hills of Moreton Hall

Charlotte Howard said...

The problem with local opinion is that it is not necessarily local people who enjoy their own back yard - not that there are many of them in the middle of the countryside anyway - a yard which is designated "special landscape area".

Anonymous said...

Paul - I wasn't disagreeing with you but pointing out the realities of planning law.

I've been on the receiving end more times than I care to recall, but just shrug my shoulders and 'move on'.

Nice phrase that - got it off a friend.